New York State Hunting License Information

Anyone wishing to hunt small game, big game, waterfowl or migratory birds in New York State (with a few exemptions) is required to obtain a hunting license before doing so.
If you have never posessed a hunting license, you are required to attend a Hunter Education Course. The course requires a minimum of 7 hours of instruction. As of 2016, completion of a homework assignment is required prior to attending a Hunter Education Course. Hunter Education Certificates from other states will be honored by NYSDEC.
Anyone interested in bowhunting for deer or bear in NYS are required to take an additional bowhunter education course.
More information on NYS Hunting Licenses »
Minimum Hunting Age:
Minors under the age of 12 may not obtain a hunting license or hunt wildlife.
License Year:
NYS Hunting Licenses are valid from September 1 until August 31. To hunt prior to September 1, the previous year's license is required.
Back Tags:
Your hunting tag must be visibly displayed in the middle of your back while hunting.
Hunting License Fees
Residents of New York State
- Hunting License (includes small game and big game hunting): $22.00
- Senior Hunting License (70+) (fishing, hunting, & trapping licenses): $5.00 each
- Military Disabled Hunting License * (includes small game and big game hunting, as well as fishing): $5.00
- Junior Hunting License (ages 12-15): $5.00
- Junior Bowhunting Privilege: $4.00
- Bowhunting Privilege: $15.00
- Muzzleloading Privilege: $15.00
- FREE Muzzleloading & Bowhunting Privilege (70+ OR 40% Military Disabled *): FREE
- Turkey Permit (ages 12+): $10.00
- Duck Stamp: $25.00
- Deer Management Permit (ages 16+): $10.00
* 40% Military Disabled means 40% or greater service-related military disability documented annually by a letter dated in the current year from the Veteran's Administration (unless Veterans' Administration letter states "Permanent")
Hunting License Guidelines
- A hunting license, tag, or permit is not transferable. It is illegal to possess another person's license, tag, permit or stamp.
- You are required to have your license on your person while exercising any privilege of that license.
- You are required to present your license to any police officer, peace office, or the owner, lessee, or other person in control of the lands or waters on which you are hunting.
- A hunting license does not authorize you to trespass on private property.
Game Species in the Adirondacks »