In the Adirondacks, the colors of autumn both begins and ends in the wetlands. In mid September, almost two weeks before the surrounding hillsides reach peak color, red maples (swamp maples) in the many wetlands throughout the region, turn...
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Still Good Fall Colors!

While leaves have fallen through much of the Adirondack region, trees are still turning around the lowest elevations of the park. Lake George, at about 300 feet above sea level, and Lake Champlain at only 95 feet above sea...
Wells Area Photo Tour

There was lots of water in the streams and rivers this past weekend in the Adirondacks, with many of them running at spring water levels. I had scheduled a photo tour for Sat. Oct. 15th to photograph along the...
Adirondack Fall Photo Tips 2011

It's always fun to see where and how the colors are turning each year. One thing that is pretty consistent, is the change is elevation based. Trees start turning first at the higher elevations in the High Peaks around...