I thought I'd share a few photos from two of my recent workshops that I led recently at the Adirondack Folk School in Lake Luzerne. The first was my 1 day comprehensive 'Perfect Pictures Every Time' workshop on Saturday,...
Slowing Down

This past weekend, 2/25 - 26/12, I was in Old Forge to do 2 enjoyable and informative comprehensive one day photography workshops at View. While Saturday had a full blown snowstorm for weather, Sunday was bright and clear, but...
Full Moon Photo Tour on Rooster Comb

This past Saturday, 1/7/12, I headed out to climb Rooster Comb and Snow Mountain in the Keene Valley area with the group that had signed up for the High Peaks Full Moon Photo Tour. In all my years of...
Big Slide Hike

While late fall this year has had it's ups and downs in terms of winter weather, this past weekend had a definite winter feel to it! My son and I headed out to climb Big Slide on Sunday morning...
The Last Colors of Fall

In the Adirondacks, the colors of autumn both begins and ends in the wetlands. In mid September, almost two weeks before the surrounding hillsides reach peak color, red maples (swamp maples) in the many wetlands throughout the region, turn...
Seasonal Events

The leaves are mostly on the ground, and ice is starting to form in the streams and along the edges of the lakes on some of the cold frosty mornings we're having. It's a great time to photograph the first...
Still Good Fall Colors!

While leaves have fallen through much of the Adirondack region, trees are still turning around the lowest elevations of the park. Lake George, at about 300 feet above sea level, and Lake Champlain at only 95 feet above sea...
Wells Area Photo Tour

There was lots of water in the streams and rivers this past weekend in the Adirondacks, with many of them running at spring water levels. I had scheduled a photo tour for Sat. Oct. 15th to photograph along the...
Adirondack Fall Photo Tips 2011

It's always fun to see where and how the colors are turning each year. One thing that is pretty consistent, is the change is elevation based. Trees start turning first at the higher elevations in the High Peaks around...
Spider Webs in the Breeze

Finding a wild shoreline draped in fog, with spider webs dangling and dancing lightly in a gentle breeze, is one of nature's special wonders. I'm always captivated by the sight, and it's hard to know where to set up...